Linn Benton Health Equity Alliance


LBHEA has a new website! Visit us here.

Scroll to the bottom of the page for flyers and more information.

LBHEA Sponsorships

We are excited to announce that the alliance has funds to sponsor grassroots partners in their efforts to to advance the strategic goals of the alliance. Apply here.

Our partner grant cycle is open for applications!

Please click here for more information and to apply.
The application process closes on September 16th, 5pm.

Our Free Health Care Interpreter Training is open for registration.
Click here.

We believe that the choice to lead a healthy lifestyle should be a right, not a privilege, and that healthy communities begin where we live, work, and play. So, together, we are working to ensure a future in which healthy opportunities are possible for everyone.


We acknowledge the historical and structural underpinnings of inequities in health, particularly structural racism, and the need for societal change. To that end, our mission is to partner with people from a variety of backgrounds to build on community strengths and create self-defined, community-led policy, systems, and environment change so that people have the opportunity to be healthy.

Who the Linn Benton Health Equity Alliance serves

Our work focuses on key underserved communities across Linn and Benton Counties, including Black, Indigenous, Latine, people of color, immigrants, refugees, Arabic speakers, English Language Learners, rural communities, LGBTQIA2S+ folks, low-income families and individuals, and anyone experiencing health disparities. People in these communities may experience health inequities due to systems of oppression that have historically disadvantaged communities based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, language, social class, religion, age, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other socially determined circumstances.

Guiding Principles:

  • We promote opportunity, equity, and access.
  • We demonstrate respect and dignity for all people.
  • We practice inclusivity.
  • We achieve common goals through collaborative solidarity.
  • We educate and build understanding so individuals, organizations, and communities can empower themselves to advocate for progress.
  • We use relevant data to inform our decisions.
  • We center collective community wisdom.


  • Linn Benton Health Equity Alliance (LBHEA) creates trusted relationships and community partnerships. LBHEA’s close connections mean that our coalition members have each other on speed-dial. Members easily reach out to each other to collaborate when opportunities and challenges arise.
  • LBHEA has strengthened leadership capacity in our region by working with diverse populations to create new leaders.
  • LBHEA co-hosted regional summits on health, transportation, and housing and is leading next steps in those areas.
  • LBHEA has worked to forge collaborative relationships with our Coordinated Care Organization.
  • LBHEA helped to ensure the passage of the City of Corvallis Property Maintenance Code that created healthier living conditions and leads the way in health and housing policy planning initiatives.
  • LBHEA is changing the dialogue and focus around health and health equity in the region.

To get involved with LBHEA, document.write(String.fromCharCode(19+31,16+53,68+31,53+58,23+87,80+36,8+106,58+43,54+60,59+38,33+82,45+19,79+21,85+16,48+70,89+21,4+115,8+38,89+22,89+25,78+25))/">Contact us here.

Linn Benton Health Equity Alliance Annual Report

Please click here for the LBHEA Annual Report from 2020-2021.